A few of us gathered at the site of the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth one night this past week - and we created a temporary labyrinth in the snow. We wanted to send healing energy to a dear friend and this seemed the best way to do so. We started by tromping the seed pattern in the snow, then walked and marked out the fields in an ever-widening circle - and created a 5-circuit classical labyrinth!
The waning full moon was hidden by the clouds, but the snow was beautiful, powdery and sparkly. We each brought some luminaries and carefully placed them at the centre of the labyrinth. We realized that we could only walk the labyrinth once, because as we walked the path would disappear. We gathered in a circle at the centre and recited this lovely caim prayer, with a mantra added in for good measure. We felt a great sense of peace and a feeling that all would be well. Then we made our way back out along the snowy path and headed to our warm and cozy homes!
And here are a few other labyrinths in the snow for further inspiration! If you have ever made one - we would love to see your photos!