Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Magic on the Labyrinth

This year's Light up the Labyrinth event held Friday September 8th, 2017 was especially magical! Our small committee was fully prepared with a Plan B - as the weather was being very unpredictable and there was a 60% chance of rain.

We started by setting up the outer ring of 150 luminaries in white bags with red maple leaves (some with peace messages from our Summer Solstice Peace Walk). As the weather seemed to be holding - we continued to set up luminaries on the whole labyrinth (375 instead of the full 600). Thankfully there were volunteers on hand - to help!
We setup the outer ring of 150 luminaries in white bags first (in case of rain).

It takes many helping hands to "Light up the Labyrinth".

Now where should I put this star lantern?

The lanterns are arranged with care at the entrance to the labyrinth - ready to light the way.
Can I help put the luminaries onto the labyrinth? Definitely!
At dusk the luminaries start to glow.
A simply magical moment.
Kerron Lamb performs the perfect music to accompany our walk.
After dark - the light show begins.
We couldn't have done this without your help! See you next year.
A heartfelt thanks to our sponsors for your support!