Make a lantern for an evening labyrinth walk! |
A Grand Opening and Official Ribbon-Cutting will kick off the festivities. For those who are new to the labyrinth experience, facilitated walks will be held throughout the day by qualified instructors. A slide presentation will also be shown inside the museum for those interested in knowing more of the history and reasons for the labyrinth's modern revival.
“We decided that a fun, festival-like feeling is a perfect way to open the new labyrinth, and thank our many community supporters and volunteers,” adds Lytle.
For those who are new to the labyrinth experience, a labyrinth is a circular path - an ancient spiral form that has been used for over 4,000 years. A single entrance point guides the walker through a series of turns that lead to the centre of the pattern. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth holds no tricks or dead ends. The walker can focus on a thought, a prayer, or simply enjoy the walk itself. Walking a labyrinth has been used for centuries to support healing, meditation, and personal growth.
For more information call Debby 613-257-1014
A full schedule of events will be posted here soon!
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