While visiting a lovely labyrinth this summer, the thought of "linking labyrinths" occurred to us. We felt drawn to connecting with other labyrinths locally, and throughout Eastern Ontario. Reflecting on this now - I am pretty sure that the labyrinth walk that day - and the wonderful companionship that we experienced - prompted this message to come through!
Unique thyme labyrinth built by Elvia Scullion and her husband. |
At the centre - a small piece of tile rescued from a Cathedral during a recent visit to South America. |
Symbols of love and happiness abound! |
A short while later, without having done any more than thinking about "linking labyrinths" - we received a list of local labyrinths! And after participating in the Labyrinth
Pilgrimage Tour of the Ottawa Valley we were invited to post upcoming event information on a
new website to help us stay interconnected. You will find the list of local labyrinths on the home page of this site. We highly recommend planning a visit to one or more of these labyrinths sometime in 2013!
"We believe if we work together and support each other in our labyrinth walking, we can nurture even more healing in the world."
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