Monday, November 6, 2017

Our Canada 150 Commemorative Event - a Recap

The Carleton Place Community Labyrinth has now wrapped up our commemorative event for Canada 150 - and we decided to check in with the other labyrinths that participated to see how their events went. A brief report follows...

377 Labyrinth Walks
for Canada 150!

Bennett-Lindsay Labyrinth located in Burnstown, Ontario beside the Bittersweet Gallery at 5 Leckie Lane, for more info contact Kathryn Lindsay at
Aerial view of the Bennet-Lindsay Labyrinth (Photo: Hoverwolf Aerial Photography)
Our Canada 150 event started with the Anne-Marie Chagnon's 10th annual spring launch and trunk show A Collection as Strong as the Wind” at Bittersweet Gallery on Saturday June 10th, 2017 and concluded on the last day of Richard Gill’s 45th fall show “Canadian Icons” on Thanksgiving Monday, October 9th 2017.

It turned out to be challenging to keep track of who walked the labyrinth as participation was not highly structured and the registration sheet that was kept in the Gallery went missing and had to be replaced part way along.

Our estimate is that about 50 people participated, some multiple times including our 2017 labyrinth keeper, Pete Bresnahan. Some notable occasions when the labyrinth was walked included the Summer Solstice (June 21st ), the total eclipse of the sun (Aug 21st ), a “To Hell with the Bell” retirement party (Sept 5), the Fall Equinox (Sept 21) and a Harvest moon night walk (Oct 6).
Observing the total eclipse of the sun from the Bennett-Lindsay labyrinth.
Carleton Place Community Labyrinth  located in Carleton Place, Ontario

Whenever someone walked the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth during the period from April 10th – September 8th in 2017, they were encouraged to register their walk at the labyrinth.

We are pleased to report that we exceeded our goal of 150 labyrinth walks – we reached over 170 walks (registered either on our event poster or in the journal at the labyrinth).

We exceeded our goal of 150 labyrinths walks - we reached over 170 walks!
We celebrated our combined achievement during our annual “Light up the Labyrinth” event on Friday, September 8th - with a festive Canada 150 cake donated by our local Independent grocery store.
We celebrated our achievement - with a festive Canada 150 cake.
A wee labyrinth walker registers her walk and helps us to meet our goal.

Castlegar & District Recreation Complex Labyrinth located in Castlegar, British Columbia at 2101 6th Avenue

The Castlegar & District Community Complex recorded 37 walks during our 150 Labyrinth Walks Event. We know that there were many others who walked our labyrinth - especially children who attended the summer day camp program. All in all, it was a successful event and we thank the Carlton Place Community Labyrinth for inviting us to Trust the Path!

Joan Alexander, Labyrinth Facilitator, Castlegar, B.C.
Fleetwood Park Labyrinth located in Surrey, British Columbia at 15802 – 80th Avenue –
Report to come

St. Luke's Anglican Church Labyrinth located in Ottawa, Ontario at  760 Somerset Street

The St. Luke’s labyrinth community enjoyed two monthly evening walks to commemorate Canada 150. The labyrinth was lit up with over 100 tealights, and we had two monthly themes – in May, World Labyrinth Day and in June, Adventure! 

On June 21st, our labyrinth community also celebrated with a Summer Solstice walk at Galilee Centre in Arnprior, complete with labyrinth walkers playing different instruments, such as chimes and hand drums as they walked. In total 120 labyrinth walks were taken during our Canada 150 event. It was an honour to be able to participate in Canada 150 by walking the labyrinth for our communities and country.
St. Luke's labyrinth, illuminated by more than 100 tealights,  hosted special events to celebrate Canada 150.
A Canada 150 Summer Solstice walk (accompanied by chimes and hand drumming) held at the Galilee Centre in Arnprior.

The Toronto Public Labyrinth at Trinity Park Square located in Toronto, Ontario

Congratulations to the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth on your 150th initiative. You reached across Canada with the unifying message that we have a beacon of a country here, and that labyrinths are a sterling way to focus our awareness on that and to stand on guard for the future.

On our website, we posted your initiative and asked that people register their walks with you. It is exciting to hear you had such an active response.

One of our members, Brenda Wivell, was touched by the potential your initiative had not only to unite labyrinth walkers but to encourage the use of the labyrinth in offering prayers for wise leadership.

Jo Ann Stevenson
Labyrinth Community Network chair

Tigh Shee Labyrinth located in North Lancaster, Ontario -
Report to come

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Magic on the Labyrinth

This year's Light up the Labyrinth event held Friday September 8th, 2017 was especially magical! Our small committee was fully prepared with a Plan B - as the weather was being very unpredictable and there was a 60% chance of rain.

We started by setting up the outer ring of 150 luminaries in white bags with red maple leaves (some with peace messages from our Summer Solstice Peace Walk). As the weather seemed to be holding - we continued to set up luminaries on the whole labyrinth (375 instead of the full 600). Thankfully there were volunteers on hand - to help!
We setup the outer ring of 150 luminaries in white bags first (in case of rain).

It takes many helping hands to "Light up the Labyrinth".

Now where should I put this star lantern?

The lanterns are arranged with care at the entrance to the labyrinth - ready to light the way.
Can I help put the luminaries onto the labyrinth? Definitely!
At dusk the luminaries start to glow.
A simply magical moment.
Kerron Lamb performs the perfect music to accompany our walk.
After dark - the light show begins.
We couldn't have done this without your help! See you next year.
A heartfelt thanks to our sponsors for your support!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Your Help Needed to Light up the Labyrinth

Let's "Light up the Labyrinth" together - from 6:30 – 9:00 PM on Friday, September 8th, 2017. During this event, the warm glow of more than 600 candlelit luminaries will flicker along the path of Carleton Place's Community Labyrinth. This year, we are fortunate to once again have guitar and didgeridoo music by local musician Kerron Lamb.
Enjoy guitar and didgeridoo music by local musician Kerron Lamb.
We will also be wrapping up our "150 Labyrinth Walks for Canada 150th" commemorative event on this evening. Join us to celebrate our combined achievement!

To make this event more collaborative - organizers are asking participants to gather at 6:30 PM at the labyrinth to prepare and place luminaries for a 7:30 PM candlelit walk.

Debby Lytle, Chairperson for the Labyrinth Committee, explains: “As a very small committee we need many hands to help us light up this spectacular display on the labyrinth.  Join us at 6:30 PM and be part of the assembling and placing of the luminaries, bring along your bbq lighter to help us light the candles before the walk.  The dismantling at the end of the walk is a huge job and extra help is very welcome then, as well!
As dusk approaches, the luminaries start to glow! (Photo: L. Laflleur)
Our candlelit labyrinth walks have become a popular fall event, as individuals and families from across the region come to enjoy an evening labyrinth walk.  "Children and those young at heart can be part of this festive labyrinth walk by carrying a lantern, wearing their glow-in-the dark-apparel, glow necklaces, glow sticks, and more. Be creative!" say Julia Heathcote, a volunteer labyrinth keeper. Parents of young children should be cautioned that the luminaries are real flame and to please consider clothing and lantern choices carefully.

For those who wish to relax and watch the candlelight, garden benches and a wheelchair-accessible contemplation ring encircle the labyrinth. If you would like to sit for a while and take in the candlelight glow, bring along a lawn chair too.

Thanks to support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Town of Carleton Place and individuals and businesses within our community, this permanent labyrinth exists for people to use at any time. The labyrinth is located at the corner of George and Baines Streets beside the Carleton Place & Beckwith Heritage Museum, 267 Edmund Street in Carleton Place, Ontario.

For more information or if you would like to help prepare the luminaries,
please contact Debby Lytle: 613-257-1014
Facebook: /CarletonPlaceCommunityLabyrinth

Sunday, August 13, 2017

A Special Evening at the Labyrinth

What a wonderful way to celebrate the Summer Solstice. Our recent peace walk at the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth, held on Wednesday June 21, 2017,  was a good reminder of what it is like to gather as a community - walk the labyrinth and connect afterwards.  These photos help to capture the essence of this wonderful gathering. Thanks to all who were able to attend.

"When we walk the labyrinth with others, it becomes a tool for understanding relationships and community.... We may be at very different places on the path, but we all share it... We are all pilgrims on the same path, with the same hope of reaching the same centre." (Excerpt from "The Spirituality of Mazes and Labyrinths, G. MacQueen)
Performed by Parvaneh Rowshan
Parvaneh Rowshan performs an opening dance honouring our sense of self and inner peace.
Set up for Solstice Peace Walk
Members of the Labyrinth committee gather to set up for the Solstice Peace Walk.

Peonies on the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth
Peonies bring their beauty to our Summer Solstice peace walk.
Brings inner peace
Labyrinth walkers finding inner peace on this beautiful summer evening.

Family posting their peace messages
A family places their personal messages of peace on the picnic table tree - together.

Messages of peace
The messages of peace speak for themselves.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Summer Solstice Peace Walk

From 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday June 21st, 2017, the Labyrinth Committee will present a "Summer Solstice Peace Walk” at the Community Labyrinth in Carleton Place.
With this summer evening event, the Committee hopes to focus attention on the need for peace in the world and within ourselves. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools and have even been used for bringing peace and reconciliation between individuals in conflict.

"I believe that walking the path of the labyrinth can bring peace to those who seek it," says Debby Lytle, a volunteer for The Labyrinth Committee of Carleton Place.

Join us for an evening labyrinth walk and enjoy an opening dance performance by Parvaneh Rowshan, honouring our creativity and sense of self and inner peace, choreographed especially to be performed on the labyrinth.   During the walk – the Rhythm and Song Community Choir directed by Jennifer Noxon – will sing several songs with the theme of “Peace”.

Throughout the evening, you will have the opportunity to write a personal message for peace on a maple leaf cut-out – and hang it on the tree on the picnic table.
Write your own message for peace on a maple leaf and hang it on the picnic table tree.
All are welcome. Refreshments will be provided. You are welcome to picnic in the garden beforehand.

Register your Summer Solstice Peace Walk at the labyrinth and be part of our "150 Walks for Canada's 150th" commemorative event.

Carleton Place Community Labyrinth is located beside the Carleton Place & Beckwith Heritage Museum, at 267 Edmund St.

For more information contact Debby 613-257-1014
Facebook: /CarletonPlaceCommunityLabyrinth

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Celebrating World Labyrinth Day!

Despite the rain, we had a small, enthusiastic group turn out to celebrate World Labyrinth Day at the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth in Carleton Place, Ontario Canada on Saturday, May 6th 2017 at 1 p.m.
WLD participants (from left to right): Julia, Monika, Stephanie, Chris, Connie, Kathryn and Debby.
Once again - we are very thankful to local media for helping us to promote our event - in particular "The Humm" and Lake 88 radio station.
We were happy to collaborate with Grace Amirault, Veriditas Council Member via Facetime to read the following opening prayer together.  We wanted to connect with another labyrinth facilitator at the start of our walk - to symbolically represent the power of bringing people together globally to recognize the labyrinth as a special tool for healing and peace.
We walked together and felt contained and held by the space and fully protected by our umbrellas!
 To the Four Directions (a reading for individual voices)

Spirit of the East, spirit of air,
 Of morning and springtime;
Be with us as the sun rises,
In times of beginning,
Times of planting.
Inspire us with the fresh breath of courage
As we go forth into new adventures.

Spirit of the South, spirit of fire
of noontime and summer;
Be with us through the heat of the day
And help us to be ever growing
Warm us with strength and energy
for the work that awaits us

Spirit of the West, spirit of water,
Of evening and autumn;
Be with us as the sun sets
and help us to enjoy a rich harvest.
Flow through us with a cooling, healing quietness
and bring us peace.

Spirit of the North, spirit of earth,
Of nighttime and winter;
Be with us in the darkness, in the time of gestation.
Ground us in the wisdom of the changing seasons
 as we celebrate the spiraling journey of our lives.
Joan Goodwin

This year World Labyrinth Day events were held around the world with 159 participating locations in the United States, 25 in Australia, 18 in Canada, 14 in England, 6 in the Netherlands, 4 in New Zealand, Norway & South Africa, 3 in Germany, Ireland, Italy and Scotland, 1 in France, Hungary, Hong Kong, Sweden, Greece, Lithuania, Spain and Switzerland. An interactive map depicting this can be found at this link.


Sunday, April 30, 2017

World #LabyrinthDay Walk on May 6th

Join us on Saturday May 6th as we "Walk as One at 1 PM" at the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth in celebration of World #LabyrinthDay.  If you are new to the labyrinth experience, this Saturday walk will be a perfect introduction for you.

Also... register your World Labyrinth Day walk at the labyrinth and be part of our "150 Walks for Canada's 150th" commemorative event.
Bird's eye view of the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth - a peaceful setting for #LabyrinthDay
World Labyrinth Day, declared in 1998 by The Labyrinth Society, brings people together globally to recognize the labyrinth as a symbol and tool for healing and peace.  This will be the 9th annual World Labyrinth Day, as we join individuals or groups from around the globe who will walk their local labyrinths at 1:00 pm. in their local time zones.  This world-wide event included walks in 24 countries last year, and it is estimated that more than 5,000 people participated.

Labyrinths exist in many forms, in places as diverse as Peru, Iceland, Egypt, France, and the United Kingdom. There are more than 4,000 labyrinths active today. Some labyrinths have been built on private lands, while others, like the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth, have been created as a public space for all to enjoy. 

The Community Labyrinth is located at the corner of George and Baines Streets, beside the Carleton Place & Beckwith Heritage Museum. The stone-bordered grassy path is the focal point for Labyrinth Park, a peaceful garden filled with ornamental grasses, native trees, benches for sitting, and a wheelchair-accessible contemplation ring that encircles the labyrinth. The labyrinth was built starting in 2010, and construction was made possible by the Town of Carleton Place, individual, business and community sponsors, and a Trillium Foundation grant.

For more information contact Debby: 613-257-1014
Facebook: /CarletonPlaceCommunityLabyrinth

Opening the Labyrinth

On Monday April 10th, we gathered at the Carleton Place and Beckwith Heritage Museum from 7 to 8 pm, to open the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth for the 2017 season.  Thank you so much to everyone that joined us that evening - the positive energy was palpable and so inspiring!
Christine Hume introduces our commemorative event "150 Labyrinth Walks for Canada's 150th
We were pleased to offer a viewing of "Labyrinth Journeys" a short documentary which presents the stories of individuals who use the labyrinth as a tool for healing, rehabilitation, stress reduction, meditation, spiritual awareness and playful exploration.
Ribbon cutting by Connor Edwards, Carleton Place 2016 Citizen of the Year
And Connor Edwards, Carleton Place 2016 Citizen of the Year attended with his family for the ribbon cutting and official kick-off and launch of our "150 Labyrinth Walks for Canada's 150th" commemorative event. Labyrinth walkers were pleased to add their names to the sign - and at the end of the evening we had 14 walks registered - 136 walks to go!
First walker registers for our "150 Labyrinth Walks for Canada's 150th" Event
After our labyrinth walk - we returned to the Museum community room for the pot luck dessert buffet and refreshments and some good cheer and wonderful conversations.

Hope to see you on the labyrinth in 2017!  There is no admission fee and the labyrinth is open to the public 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. 

Upcoming events:

World Labyrinth Day walk on Saturday May 6th at 1 p.m.
Biweekly walks starting on Tuesday June 6th - 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Summer Solstice Walk for Peace on Wednesday June 21st at 7 p.m.

Ongoing event:

April 10th - September 8th
Help reach our goal of 150 Labyrinth walks for Canada's 150th
Register your walk at the labyrinth

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to Host "150 Labyrinth Walks for Canada's 150th" at Your Labyrinth

Whenever someone walks the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth during the period April 10th – September 8th in 2017, they will be encouraged to register their walk at the labyrinth. We are hoping to meet, and even exceed, our goal of 150 labyrinth walks – and will celebrate our combined achievement during our annual “Light up the Labyrinth” event on Friday, September 8th, starting at 6:30 p.m.

To broaden the scope of this special commemorative initiative – we are also reaching out to other labyrinths locally and across Canada – and inviting them to join in the celebration. A list of participating labyrinths (to date) can be found below.

How to take part:

1. Register your labyrinth by sending an email to - subject line:
"150 Labyrinth Walks for Canada's 150th" We want to Participate!

2. Decide the length of time you want to run the event, and how you want participants to register their walks, e.g.
3. Set an intention for this event.  Here is an example provided by our friends at the Toronto Labyrinth Network (LCN):

"First, in regards to Canada's 150th, I would suggest, that since the Labyrinth is a sacred space for prayer & meditation a focus be offered to those participating. This universal theme would help to unite all the different labyrinths participating even more strongly. It could speak to the need for wisdom of our leaders going forward or the healing for past wrongs."

4. Promote the event at your labyrinth - by editing this news release (link to editable document) to include your own details. Send the news release out to local media, post mentions of your event on your website, blog and/or in social media.

5. Whenever you do a social media post, make sure to use the hashtags #canada150, plus your community's hashtag, e.g. Carleton Place #cpcan150; Ottawa  #ottawa150; Vancouver #vancouver150; Toronto #toronto150 and so on.

6. Keep track of how you are doing - and post mentions of your progress on your website, blog and/or in social media.

7. Celebrate when you reach your goal!
Bennett-Lindsay Labyrinth in Burnstown, Ontario (Photo Credit: Hoverwolf)
Canadian Labyrinths that are participating (to date):
  • Bennett-Lindsay Labyrinth located in Burnstown, Ontario beside the Bittersweet Gallery at 5 Leckie Lane, for more info contact Kathryn Lindsay at
For more information, contact Christine Hume, or 613 722 6832 x238 or cel. 613 859 2136

150 Labyrinth Walks for Canada's 150th

Celebrating Canada’s 150th at the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth

Let's walk the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth 150 times  during 2017 to help celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday!

Join us from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. on Monday April 10th, 2017 for the launch of the "150 CP Labyrinth Walks for Canada’s 150th” commemorative event.  In addition, a short film about labyrinths will be shown, followed by discussion and a potluck dessert buffet.

Whenever someone walks the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth during the period April 10th – September 8th in 2017, they will be encouraged to record their participation. We are hoping to meet, and even exceed, our goal of 150 labyrinth walks – and will celebrate our combined achievement during our annual “Light up the Labyrinth” event on Friday, September 8th, starting at 6:30 p.m.

To broaden the scope of this special commemorative initiative – we are also reaching out to other labyrinths locally and across Canada – and inviting them to join in the celebration. A list of participating labyrinths (to date) can be found below. 

Christine Hume, Labyrinth Facilitator and Committee member, explains: “As we brainstormed about ideas to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, it occurred to us that simply encouraging more people to walk the labyrinth to help them discover how this form of walking meditation can help to naturally quiet the mind and achieve feelings of calm and peacefulness, would be a good idea!

Some excerpts from the CP Labyrinth visitor’s journal:
“Every time I walk the labyrinth I feel good. Thank you to the committee for keeping everything so nice.”
“So glad to start the Spring with the opening of the labyrinth… when you refresh yourself, you refresh others.”
“A reminder of how we should live beautifully on our life paths.”
“Spending a short while at the labyrinth – to start my week. Already I feel calmer and more centred – just from allowing myself to stop for a bit! Very grateful.”

To participate (starting Monday April 10th, 2017) – just add your name and date to this sign (and the log book!)  - each time you complete a labyrinth walk.
Just add your name and date to this sign (and the log book!) - each time you complete a labyrinth walk.
Thanks to support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Town of Carleton Place and individuals and businesses within our community, this permanent labyrinth exists for people to use at any time. It is located at the corner of George and Baines Streets beside the Carleton Place & Beckwith Heritage Museum, 267 Edmund Street in Carleton Place, Ontario.

Additional Canadian Labyrinths that will be participating (to date):
  • Fleetwood Park Labyrinth located in Surrey, British Columbia at 15802 – 80th Avenue –
For more information please contact Debby Lytle: 613-257-1014 or email:
Facebook: /CarletonPlaceCommunityLabyrinth
#canada150 #cpcan150

-    30 –

Media Contact: Christine Hume,, 613 722 6832, x238

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

A New Year of Labyrinth Events

Today seems like the perfect time to reflect on some of the wonderful labyrinth walks and events we have experienced at the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth in 2016. If you scroll through the blog you will see some images and short articles about this!

If you have lots of experience with labyrinths and/or if you have never yet come to visit the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth - here is our list of events for 2017. We look forward to meeting you on the path sometime this coming year.  (The Carleton Place Community Labyrinth Committee)

"Many speak of labyrinth practice as a form of walking meditation, that naturally quiets the mind, brings focus and often results in insight. Feelings of calm and peacefulness are often reported by those using the labyrinth." (Jill K.H. Jeffrion)
Walking a labyrinth naturally quiets the mind!
Carleton Place Community Labyrinth - 2017 Events

Help reach our goal of 150 labyrinth walks for Canada's 150th

Register your walk at the labyrinth

Open Labyrinth 7 p.m.
Film and dessert pot luck

Earth Day Sunrise Walk at 6 a.m.
Breakfast to follow at local venue

Walk as One at One - join us at 1 p.m.
World Labyrinth Day

Annual global event celebrated each year on the first Saturday in May. You are invited to “Walk as One at 1” to effect a rolling wave of peaceful energy as the world turns.

BIWEEKLY WALKS 9 to 10 a.m.
June 6, 20; July 4, 18
Aug. 1, 15; Sept. 5, 19
Labyrinth keeper on site

Summer Solstice Walk for Peace, 7 pm

Light Up the Labyrinth
Set up 6:30 pm, Walk 7:30 pm
Bring your lantern and/or wear your light creations and be part of the fun!

Full Moon Walk, 8 pm