Saturday, February 8, 2020

A New Year, Some New Events

It is so amazing to realize that I will have been a labyrinth keeper of the Carleton Place Community Labyrinth for a decade this year! I feel so blessed that have had the privilege of doing this special work. Thankfully there is a small committee working together with me, who share the love of the labyrinth, and help with facilitating our community events.

We have decided to change up our events a bit for the coming year - and are looking forward to meeting you on the path!

Community Walks:

Earth Day – Wednesday April 22, 2020, sunrise 6 AM (labyrinth walk & meditation)

Summer Solstice – Saturday June 20, 2020 1 PM (labyrinth walk for inner peace  & create a heart rock)

St. Francis Day – Sunday Oct 4, 2020 11 AM (walk with your companion animal at the labyrinth)

Yoga on the Labyrinth:
Monthly yoga class on the labyrinth – May, June, July & August, last Sunday of the month @ 9AM.

Sunday May 31, 2020 9 AM

Sunday June 28, 2020 9 AM

Sunday July 26, 2019 9 AM

Sunday August 30, 2019 9 AM

This year we also plan to reach out - with the goal of having an event or two at the Labyrinth - facilitated by other groups or individuals. We will keep you posted as these plans come together.


  1. I am new to the community and so happy there is a labyrinth close by. Looking forward to meeting you there!

  2. Thanks - I hope you got to walk the labyrinth this year!
